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食而不知配料按照 WebMD,你必须留意所吃的食物,并了解制作它们时所使用的配料。对你吃的东西多一分关心将有助于确定如何改善你的食谱。 According to WebMD, you must be mindful of the foods you consume and be acquainted with the ingredients used in its making. Being more aware of what you’re eating helps in identifying how to improve your diet.
没有摄入目标一篇 WebMD 文章建议,人们应当首先把重点放在设定目标上,即摄入什么食物,份量为多少。小步行动带来重大改变。如果你打算在一周的膳食中增加蔬菜,则把它们罗列出来,并贯彻执行。A WebMD article suggests one should first focus on setting goals as to what will the food intake be and in what portion. Small steps lead to major changes. If you’re adding vegetables to your meals for a week, list them out and make sure to follow the routine for a given period.
食物诱惑不要把零食放在工作台上。当零食近在眼前时,人们往往抵不住诱惑,导致盲目地吃。根据康奈尔大学食品和品牌实验室主任 Brian Wansink 和其他研究人员的一项研究,你必须把不健康的零食放得远远的,并代之以健康的水果,从而吸收维生素和纤维。 You must not place food at your work station. It is common to eat food that is in plain sight, leading to mindless snacking. According to a study by Cornell University Food and Brand Lab Director Brian Wansink and other researchers, you must keep unhealthy snacks at bay, and replace them with healthy fruits, so that one can consume vitamins and fiber. 无意识的吃根据康奈尔大学的 Brian Wansink 和瓦格宁根大学的 Koert van Ittersum 所做的一项研究 ,用大盘盛食物会让人产生食物尺寸变小的错觉。这会导致用大盘的人比用小盘的人吃的多。通过改换餐具,可以改变食物份量,从而避免过食。 In a research conducted by Cornell University’s Brian Wansink and Wageningen University’s Koert van Ittersum, it was explored that serving food in large plates caused an optical illusion of the serving size being small. This can lead to people eating more as compared to those who get served in small plates. By making changes in the dinnerware, one can change food servings and avoid overeating. 不吃早餐早餐是一天中最重要的一餐。据 PubMed 中的一项研究,不吃早餐的孩子营养总摄入量偏低,整体饮食质量偏差。不吃早餐会导致身体内的纤维、叶酸、钙和铁含量降低。 Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. According to a study in PubMed, children who skipped breakfast presented lower total intake and poor overall diet quality. Skipping the meal can lead to lower levels of fiber, folate, calcium and iron. 晚上大快朵颐WebMD 营养总监 Kathleen Zelman 在其一篇文章中指出,午夜追剧会导致人们在电视前吃大量的东西,甚至没有意识到这一点。临睡前吃东西会导致睡眠问题和消化不良。吃零食应该有节制,并且最好在晚上 8 点前结束,这将有利于调节血糖和减肥。 Kathleen Zelman, director of nutrition for WebMD, states in her article that midnight cravings can lead to people eating large portions in front of the TV without even realizing it. Eating close to bedtime can cause sleeping problems and indigestion. One should eat a portion-controlled snack and it is best to consume food before 8 p.m. as it regulates blood sugar and helps in losing weight. 情绪化饮食根据 WebMD 中的一篇报告,吃东西的冲动有时可能是由压力、无聊、悲伤或幸福等情绪引起的。应学会识别这些情绪触发因素,并改变应对办法。与其吃棒棒糖或薯条,不如采用其他办法,比如短暂的休息、散步或给别人打打电话。如果你还感到饿,那么选择健康的零食。 The urge to eat can sometimes be caused by emotions such as stress, boredom, sadness or happiness, according to a report in WebMD. You should learn to identify these emotional triggers and change your response to them. Instead of eating a candy bar or chips, use alternatives like a short break, a walk or calling someone. If you still feel hungry, opt for a healthy snack. 吃饭心不在焉根据发表在《美国临床营养学杂志》上的一篇文章,吃饭不专心会导致增重。边看电视边吃东西,或者在饭桌上还沉溺于其他一些活动,则可能意识不到食物的摄入。回忆和注意力也在影响食量方面发挥着作用。摆脱分心,小口地吃,想想在做菜时都用了什么调料。 According to an article published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, distracted eating may lead to weight gain. Watching television while eating or indulging in some other activity on the dining table might not make you realize the intake of food. Memory and attention may also play a role in influencing how much one eats. Get rid of distractions and take small bites thinking about what went in the making the dish. 吃饭匆忙根据 WebMD 上的一个专栏,为了赶去做别的事情,人们往往会吃得很快。 但是大脑需要时间来发出吃饱的信号,因此,吃得太快可能导致过食。应该以缓慢的节奏进食,享受食物的味道和质感。 According to a column on WebMD, people tend to eat quickly to catch up with other things. But the brain takes time to send out signals of being full, which can lead to overeating. One should eat at an easy pace and enjoy the flavor and texture of food.
垃圾食品据 WebMD 中的一篇文章,垃圾食品产生的热量大但营养少。这些食物具有较低的饱腹感值,吃过以后可能还不觉得饱,从而导致过食。替代办法是食用它们的更为健康的变体,譬如,如果你打算订比萨,可以选择蔬菜全麦比萨,这将增加其营养价值。 An article in WebMD states that junk foods contribute to a lot of calories and little nutrition. These foods have a low satiation value, and a person may not feel full after consuming them, leading to overeating. An alternative is their healthier variations, e.g., if you’re ordering a pizza, go for a whole-wheat option with veggies as topping, which will increase its nutritional value. 不吃饭或推迟吃饭如果你不时感到饿,那么大部分时间的注意力就可能集中在食物上。根据 WebMD,一个人应该规律地饮食,不要随便不吃饭或推迟吃饭,并且,在两餐之间可补充一些小点心。推迟吃饭会让饥饿感加重,从而导致过食。 If you feel hungry at short intervals, your focus might be on food most of the time. According to WebMD, one should eat properly and not skip or delay any meals during the day, and light snacks can also be scheduled in between meals. By delaying meals, one can invite hunger pangs, which might result in overeating. 饮水不足据 Livestrong 上的一篇文章,喝足够的水不仅能让你保持水分和健康,还能消除饥饿感。在两餐之间饮用天然无热量饮料可以让你有饱腹感,也有助于新陈代谢。像西瓜、橙子、葡萄柚和瓜类等水果是很好的水源。 Not only does drinking adequate water keeps you hydrated and healthy, it also keeps the hunger pangs at bay, according to an article on Livestrong. The naturally calorie-free drink can make you feel full between meals, and also aids metabolism. Fruits like watermelon, oranges, grapefruit and melons are an excellent source of water.