本帖最后由 养生君 于 2021-11-3 20:14 编辑
对于那些神秘的电话、深夜逗留在办公室里以及崭新衣服、内衣或新发型,或许对方有一个完全无辜的解释。或者真相就在眼前。出现下面的10个迹象,你生命中重要的另一半可能是不忠的。当然,只有一种方法可以找到答案。不,我们不是说雇个私家侦探,你需要让他们坐下来,尽快跟他们谈谈。 There might be a perfectly innocent explanation for the secretive phone calls, late nights in the office and the new clothes, underwear or haircuts. Or the truth might be staring you in the face.Read on for 10 signs the significant other in your life might be being unfaithful. Of course, there’s only one way to find out. No, we don’t mean hire a private detective – you need to sit them down and talk to them, fast.
新衣服,新恋情当他们试图给一个新的恋爱对象留下深刻印象时,他们往往会更加注意自己的外表。如果你的伴侣突然间,而且似乎也没有什么特别的原因,在新衣服(尤其是内衣)、新发型或新香水上挥霍无度,那很可能是为了别人。 When they're trying to impress a new love interest, it's not uncommon for people to pay more attention to their appearance. If your partner is suddenly, and seemingly for no particularly reason, splashing out on new clothes (lingerie in particular), a new hair-cut or new scent, it could be that it's all for someone else.
对你漠不关心当你们的关系对你的伴侣来说很重要时,他们会努力把每件事都做好,花时间和你在一起。如果他们不再为你的习惯而烦恼,不管你的习惯是好是坏,或者对和你一起做事不感兴趣,那可能是因为他们不再关心你了,而这是个不好的迹象。 When your relationship is important to your partner, they'll work hard to make everything right and spend time with you. If they're no longer bothered about your habits, whether good or bad, or isn’t interested in doing things together, it could be that they no longer care, and that's rarely a good sign.
防御辩解如果你的伴侣感到内疚,他们通常会变得越来越具有防御性。即使是简单的问题也可能会引起对方的愤怒,他们的反应可能带有一丝偏执。如果他们立即处于守势,可能是幕后有什么不愉快的事情发生了。 If your partner is feeling guilty, it's common for them to become increasingly defensive. Even innocent questions may be met with irritability, and their reaction may be tinged with paranoia. If they're instantly on the defensive, it could be that there's something untoward going on behind the scenes.
他们有了一个新的最好的朋友恋情往往始于工作,所以如果他们一直在谈论新同事,可能就会有麻烦。或许更重要的一点是,如果他们突然不再提到新同事——这可能是因为他们的关系已经上升到了另一个层面。 Affairs often begin at work, so if they're constantly talking about a new colleague, there could be trouble on the horizon. Perhaps an even bigger pointer is if they suddenly stops mentioning the new workmate - it could be because the relationship has moved to another level.
她有越来越多的秘密出轨的一方可能会对短信、电话和电子邮件变得小心翼翼。当你走进房间时,迅速关闭电脑上的窗口,删除收件箱还没满的电子邮件,以及在收到警告后立即删除来电显示或短信,这些都可能会有问题。 A cheating partner may become guarded about text messages, phone calls and emails. Quickly shutting down windows on the computer when you walk into the room, deleting emails where before their inbox was full, and immediately deleting caller IDs or text messages after an alert could all point to a problem.
经常加班即使家里没有经济问题,他也经常加班,而且他们通常是朝九晚五的上班族?这可能都是些幌子,恋爱对象是公司同事,这种情况并不少见,所以如果他们毫无理由地长时间工作,他们可能会利用这段时间来享受课外活动。 Is your partner suddenly working hours and hours of overtime, even though there are no financial problems at home and they're usually a nine-to-five worker? It could be a cover for something else. It's not uncommon for the object of secret affection to be a work colleague, so if they're working long hours for no apparent reason, they could be using the time to enjoy extra-curricular activities.
无性生活当你处于一段长期的关系中时,床上的活动肯定会冷却一点,但是如果你的伴侣对你冷淡,性爱也停止了,那可能是因为他们在别处得到了满足。当然,亲密关系的缺失有很多原因,所以花点时间好好谈谈。 Bedroom activity will almost certainly cool a little when you're in a long-term relationship, but if your partner is giving you the cold shoulder and the sex has ground to a halt, it could be that they're getting satisfaction elsewhere. Of course, there are many reasons why the intimacy may be lacking, so take some time to talk things through.
争吵争吵使人不愉快,但争吵是一段关系中正常、健康的一部分。但是,因为很小的细节也会让他们暴跳如雷,或者他们总是吹毛求疵,这可能是他们在寻找出路。经常为一些小事争吵可能会给他们一个离开的理由,而不必承认自己有外遇。 They're never pleasant, but arguments are a normal, healthy part of a relationship. But when even tiny details send them into a rage, or they're constantly nit-picking, it could be that they're looking for a way out. Frequent rows about the little things could give them the reason they need to leave without having to admit to an affair.
指责你这是一种将注意力从真正有罪的一方转移开的常见伎俩——这让他们可以继续攻击和指责你。除非你给了他们嫉妒或怀疑的充分理由,否则他们可能就是那个出轨的人。 It's a common trick to deflect attention away from the real guilty party - the cheater goes on the offensive and accuses their innocent partner of playing away. Unless you've given them good reason to be jealous or suspicious, it may turn out that they're the one with the secret lover.
直觉虽然任何不寻常的行为改变都可能会引起你的怀疑,但不要忽视这些直觉。可悲的是,在这种情况下,我们的自然本能往往是正确的,尽管这并不意味着你应该直接指责对方,但如果你心存怀疑,就有必要进行一次冷静、深思熟虑的谈话。 While any unusual change in behaviour will probably trigger your suspicions, don't dismiss those gut feelings. Our natural instincts are often, in this case sadly, correct, and though that doesn't mean you should jump right in with the accusations, if you're suspicious, it warrants a calm and considered conversation.