有些人坚持有氧运动,而另一些人则认为举重是燃烧卡路里的终极运动形式。然而,如果你正在寻找有效的运动来减肥,下面是一些最好的燃烧卡路里的运动。 While some swear by cardio, others consider weight lifting as the ultimate form of exercise to burn calories. However, if you are looking for effective exercises to lose weight, here is a list of some best calorie-burning exercises. 请注意,根据美国运动医学学院的指南,125磅人(56.7千克)和185磅人(84千克)的热量消耗已经计算出来。在采取任何这些措施之前,请咨询医疗卫生专家。 Please note that calorie burn has been calculated for 125 pound-person (56.7 kg) and 185 pound-person (84 kg) as per the guidelines from the American College of Sports Medicine. Please consult medical and health experts before undertaking any of these. 跳绳 Jumping rope
Woman jumping with a rope© Kovaciclea/Getty Images
每小时消耗的卡路里:667-990卡路里(如果你每分钟跳120下) Calories burned per hour: 667-990 (if you jump 120 skips per minute) 跑山 Running Up Hill
Couple Running Uphill© MichaelSvoboda/Getty Images
每小时消耗的卡路里:639-946卡路里 Calories burned per hour: 639-946 跆拳道 Kickboxing
Woman doing kickboxing workout with her coach© Emir Memedovski/Getty Images
每小时消耗的卡路里:582-864卡路里 Calories burned per hour: 582-864 自行车 Cycling intervals
A woman rides her road bike along the Trans Canada Trail bikepath near Canmore, Alberta, Canada in the autumn.© GibsonPictures/Getty Images
每小时消耗的卡路里:568-841卡路里 Calories burned per hour: 568-841 跑步 Running
Working out by the ocean© ShapeCharge/Getty Images
每小时消耗的卡路里:566-839卡路里 Calories burned per hour: 566-839 划船练习架 Rowing machine
Side view of sportsman doing exercise on rowing machine in sports center© LightFieldStudios/Getty Images
每小时燃烧的卡路里:481-713卡路里(如果以150瓦的速度划船) Calories burned per hour: 481-713 (if rowing at 150 watts) 爬楼梯 Stairs
Girl is running along the river and climbing a stairs© Praetorianphoto/Getty Images
每小时消耗的热量:452-670卡路里(如果每分钟爬77步) Calories burned per hour: 452-670 (if climbing 77 steps in minute) 力量训练 Strength training
Woman lifting heavy ball on exercise mat in gymnasium© Getty Images
每小时燃烧的卡路里:341-504卡路里 Calories burned per hour: 341-504