本帖最后由 养生君 于 2022-11-1 19:32 编辑
最近,似乎我们所做的每件事或所吃的每个东西都会导致癌症,或者治愈癌症。谈及癌症,每个人都有自己的观点,很难从虚构中筛选出事实。为了纪念即将到来的 2 月 4 日的世界癌症日,本文将介绍 14 个癌症谬误揭秘。 Lately it seems that every thing we do or eat causes cancer - or cures it. Everyone in the cancer community has an opinion, and it can be difficult to sift the fact from the fiction. To mark World Cancer Day on February 4, here are 14 cancer myths debunked.
CBS 新闻 发表的一份报告指出,西雅图弗雷德·哈金森癌症研究中心 2002 年的一项研究发现,使用除臭剂或止汗剂与癌症之间没有联系。 A report published in CBS News stated that a 2002 study by Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle found there to be no link between the use of deodorants or antiperspirants and cancer. 少吃烧烤虽然烧焦的肉中含有可导致啮齿动物变异的物质,但要想让人类患上癌症,烧烤的量必须高得惊人,而一般人不会食用如此高的量。为了降低风险,美国国家癌症研究所建议不要把食物烧焦,或者将烧焦的部分切掉。While charred meat contains substances found to cause mutation in rodents, the levels necessary to cause cancer in humans would require outrageously high amount of BBQ that no one would normally eat. To cut down the risk, the National Cancer Institute advises you don't char your food, or if you do, cut those bits off. 不要染发美国医学协会期刊 2014 年 5 月 25 日发布的一项研究显示,染发剂对患上癌症的风险没有显著影响。According to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on May 25, 2014, hair dye has no marked effect on the risk of cancer occurrence. 喝很多红酒美国国家癌症研究所的研究显示,在红葡萄酒中发现的某些物质(如白藜芦醇)具有抗癌特性,但临床试验尚未发现白藜芦醇在预防或治疗癌症方面有效。 According to the National Cancer Institute, certain substances found in red wine, such as resveratrol, have anti-cancer properties, but clinical trials have not found resveratrol effective in preventing or treating cancer. 不穿胸罩美国国家癌症研究所和美国癌症协会断然驳斥了戴胸罩会增加患癌风险的说法。 The National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society have categorically refuted the claim that wearing a bra could increase your risk of cancer. 少吃酸性食物这个广为流传的谬论背后的逻辑是,癌细胞存在于酸性环境中,因此降低癌细胞的酸度可以抑制它们的生长。但美国癌症研究机构的研究显示,没有证据表明限制饮食可以改变整个身体的 pH 值平衡,即使改变了,也会对癌症产生这样的影响。 The logic behind this popular myth is that cancer cells exist in an acidic environment, so by starving the cancer cells of acidity their growth can be curbed. There is no evidence that restricting what you eat can change the pH balance of the entire body and even if it did, that it would have such an effect on cancer, according to the American Institute for Cancer Research. 远离手机丹麦癌症协会的医生在 1982 年至 1995 年监测了 420,000 名使用手机的丹麦用户,没有得出手机与癌症的关系。从那时起,又进行了几项后续研究,未发现使用手机与癌症之间存在任何关系的证据。 Doctors at the Danish Cancer Society monitored 420,000 mobile phone users in Denmark from 1982 to 1995 and found no cancer link. There have been several follow-up studies since then, and none have found any evidence of a connection between mobile phone use and cancer. 不要用塑料瓶喝水有些人担心,塑料瓶里的化学物质在暴露在高温下时(比如在炎热的汽车中)会进入水中。英国癌症研究中心的研究显示,没有证据表明会发生这种情况。虽然塑料燃烧时会释放出有害的化学物质,但目前还不清楚它们是否存在于水瓶使用的塑料中。There has been some concern about chemicals entering the water in a plastic bottle when exposed to heat, like in a hot car. According to Cancer Research UK, there is no evidence that this happens. Although harmful chemicals can be released when plastic is burned, it is unclear if these are even present in the plastic used in water bottles. 不吃糖糖的唯一问题是它会导致体重增加,从而增加患上某些癌症的风险,但糖本身不会直接影响癌症。根据密歇根医学综合癌症中心症状管理和支持护理计划,糖摄入量不会增加患癌风险。癌症风险可能与你的身体对糖的反应有关。 The only problem with sugar is that it causes weight gain, which in turn puts you at a higher risk for certain cancers but sugar itself does not directly affect cancer. According to Comprehensive Cancer Center Symptom Management and Supportive Care Program, Michigan Medicine, increased risk of cancer is not seen with sugar intake. Cancer risk may be related to how your body responds to sugar. 每天吃蓝莓根据英国癌症研究中心资助的一项研究,蓝莓、绿茶、大蒜等“超级食品”对你的健康非常有益,但它们对患上癌症没有重大影响。 "Superfoods" like blueberries, green tea, garlic, etc. are great for your health but they do not have a major impact on cancer occurrence, according to a study funded by Cancer Research UK. 服用维生素研究发现,多种维生素对心血管疾病或癌症风险没有影响。根据 2013 年的内科医学年鉴杂志,如果说多种维生素有益,也只是有很小的效果,无法检测到。Multivitamins were found to have no effect on cardiovascular disease or cancer risk. If multivitamins are beneficial, the effect is too small to detect, according to the Annals of Internal Medicine Journal 2013. 微波炉有害微波使用高水平的射频辐射加热食物,但它们不会使食物具有放射性。根据美国癌症协会的说法,根据说明使用时,没有证据表明它们会对健康造成危害。 Microwaves use high levels of radiofrequency radiations to heat up the food, but they do not make the food radioactive. When used according to instructions, there is no evidence that they pose a health risk, according to American Cancer Society.