影响健康的不良生活习惯有时做不健康的事情会变成一种习惯。以下是一些常见的坏习惯以及改正它们的方法。 Sometimes doing something unhealthy develops into a habit. Here’s a look at the common bad habits and ways to break them. 酗酒过量的酒精会引发疲劳、头晕和高血压。补救措施:英国国家健康服务(NHS)建议为你的饮酒量设定一个上限,让你的朋友知道你正在减少饮酒量,开始前喝水,用软饮料代替酒精。 Too much alcohol can trigger fatigue, lightheadedness and high blood pressure. Fix: The UK’s National Health Services (NHS) recommends setting a limit to the amount you consume, letting your friends know that you are cutting down, drink water before you start and substituting alcohol with a soft drink. Click here for more. 吸烟与吸烟有关的健康危害包括心脏病、呼吸困难、口腔癌、肺癌、喉癌、胃癌、膀胱癌、肾癌和宫颈癌。美国疾病控制与预防中心说,即使是偶尔吸烟也是有害的。它建议提醒自己为什么要戒烟,并从那些从戒烟中受益的人那里获得灵感。 Health hazards associated with smoking are heart attack, breathing difficulty, cancers of the mouth, lungs, throat, stomach, bladder, kidney and cervix. Fix: The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, USA, says that even occasional smoking is harmful. It recommends reminding yourself why to quit and getting inspired by others who have benefitted from quitting. Click here for more. 吃垃圾食物吃太多垃圾食品会导致肥胖,而摄入含糖、碳酸饮料会增加患糖尿病的风险。解决方法:少吃,把垃圾食品换成沙拉,尽量不要直接从容器或包装里吃。 Having too much junk food can cause obesity and the consumption of sugary, fizzy drinks can elevate the risk of diabetes. Fix: Eat in small proportions, swapping a junk food for salad, and try not to eat directly from the container or the package. Click here for more. 啃指甲咬指甲除了会造成指尖疼痛外,还会导致指甲变形和牙龈感染。补救方法:戴上假指甲,保持指甲整洁,学习抗压技巧,或者涂上味道不好的指甲油。 Apart from causing sore fingertips, biting your nails can cause nail deformation and infection of the gums. Fix: Wear fake nails, keeping your nails groomed, learn anti-stress techniques or paint on nasty-tasting polish. Click here for more. 吃得太饱它会导致不必要的体重增加和高血压。补救措施:千万不要不吃早餐,每四到五个小时吃一次,根据饥饿程度来衡量你的饥饿程度。 It can cause unwanted weight gain and high blood pressure. Fix: Never skip breakfast, eat every four-to-five hours, gauge your hunger level on the scale of starving to full. Click here for more. 焦虑它会导致头痛、胃部不适、高血压、胸痛和睡眠问题。解决方法:口香糖是一种压力克星,就像去户外呼吸新鲜空气一样,并且要时刻面带微笑。 It can cause headaches, upset stomach, high blood pressure, chest pain, and sleeping problems. Fix: Chewing bubblegum is a stress buster, as is going outdoors and smiling like you to mean it. Click here for more. 窝在沙发里一个懒惰的人除了感觉身体不活跃和无精打采外,还有可能变成一个肥胖的人。 Apart from feeling physically less active and lethargic, a lazy person risks turning into an obese one. Fix: Work out while you are watching TV, hit the dance floor or adopt a pet. Click here for more. 不吃早饭传统上,它被认为是一天中最重要的一餐,不吃它会导致健康习惯的崩溃。解决方法:比平时早起一点,吃你最喜欢的食物,把食物做成小点心。 Traditionally, it is known as the most important meal of the day and skipping it can lead to a breakdown of a healthy routine.
Fix: Get up a little earlier than your usual time, eat food that appeals to you the most and breaking your meal into small snacks. Click here for more. 开车上下班过度依赖交通工具甚至短距离行走的习惯会使你的身体不那么活跃。解决方法: 去哪里都步行。 The habit of relying too much on vehicles to cover even short distances tends to make your body less active. Fix: Apart from the fact that walking can be a cheap option, it is also one of the best way to remain fit. 不爱喝水它会导致脱水、便秘和消化问题。补救措施:喝水能让皮肤看起来很健康,还能帮助维持正常的肠道功能, It can cause dehydration, constipation and digestive problems. Fix: Get inspired by the fact that drinking water makes skin look healthy and it also helps maintain normal bowel functions. Click here for more. 看手机它不仅对你的眼睛有害,还会损害你的体型。补救措施:适当休息,增加一些户外活动。 Not only it is bad for your eyes, it can also deteriorate your physical shape.
Fix: Take breaks and include some outside.