According to an article published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, distracted eating may lead to weight gain. Watching television while eating or indulging in some other activity on the dining table might not make you realize the intake of food. Memory and attention may also play a role in influencing how much one eats. Get rid of distractions and take small bites thinking about what went in the making the dish.
吃饭匆忙根据 WebMD 上的一个专栏,为了赶去做别的事情,人们往往会吃得很快。 但是大脑需要时间来发出吃饱的信号,因此,吃得太快可能导致过食。应该以缓慢的节奏进食,享受食物的味道和质感。
According to a column on WebMD, people tend to eat quickly to catch up with other things. But the brain takes time to send out signals of being full, which can lead to overeating. One should eat at an easy pace and enjoy the flavor and texture of food.
垃圾食品据 WebMD 中的一篇文章,垃圾食品产生的热量大但营养少。这些食物具有较低的饱腹感值,吃过以后可能还不觉得饱,从而导致过食。替代办法是食用它们的更为健康的变体,譬如,如果你打算订比萨,可以选择蔬菜全麦比萨,这将增加其营养价值。
An article in WebMD states that junk foods contribute to a lot of calories and little nutrition. These foods have a low satiation value, and a person may not feel full after consuming them, leading to overeating. An alternative is their healthier variations, e.g., if you’re ordering a pizza, go for a whole-wheat option with veggies as topping, which will increase its nutritional value.
不吃饭或推迟吃饭如果你不时感到饿,那么大部分时间的注意力就可能集中在食物上。根据 WebMD,一个人应该规律地饮食,不要随便不吃饭或推迟吃饭,并且,在两餐之间可补充一些小点心。推迟吃饭会让饥饿感加重,从而导致过食。
If you feel hungry at short intervals, your focus might be on food most of the time. According to WebMD, one should eat properly and not skip or delay any meals during the day, and light snacks can also be scheduled in between meals. By delaying meals, one can invite hunger pangs, which might result in overeating.
饮水不足据 Livestrong 上的一篇文章,喝足够的水不仅能让你保持水分和健康,还能消除饥饿感。在两餐之间饮用天然无热量饮料可以让你有饱腹感,也有助于新陈代谢。像西瓜、橙子、葡萄柚和瓜类等水果是很好的水源。
Not only does drinking adequate water keeps you hydrated and healthy, it also keeps the hunger pangs at bay, according to an article on Livestrong. The naturally calorie-free drink can make you feel full between meals, and also aids metabolism. Fruits like watermelon, oranges, grapefruit and melons are an excellent source of water.