
标题: 做指甲是个技术活儿!不注意这8个要点,美甲变丑甲! [打印本页]

作者: 养生君    时间: 2022-3-2 19:34
标题: 做指甲是个技术活儿!不注意这8个要点,美甲变丑甲!
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《Insider》采访了奥普拉·温弗瑞过去12年的私人美甲师 Gloria Williams。

Insider spoke to Gloria Williams - Oprah Winfrey's personal pedicurist for the last 12 years.
Williams gave us the ultimate guide on how to spot a bad manicure or pedicure.
Those blue jars of disinfectant are a big no-no, and you should always get a base coat.
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过去12年Gloria Williams一直是奥普拉·温弗瑞的私人美甲师。
两年后的2009年,温弗瑞决定让 Williams做她的私人美甲师。 “她说,‘就是这样,只有Gloria在给我修脚,’”Williams回忆说。“于是旅程开始了。”
Williams told Insider that she first crossed paths with Winfrey while working in the spa at Harpo Studios — Winfrey's production company — nearly two decades ago.
She then asked Winfrey's glam squad if she could give the TV legend one of her pedicures. Two years later, in 2009, Winfrey decided to make Williams her personal pedicurist.
"She said, 'That's it, only Gloria is doing my feet,'" Williams recalled. "And the journey began."
Williams still sees Winfrey once a month for her pedicure — "she loves earth tones" — and now runs Footnanny, a line of premium foot-care products that have appeared on Winfrey's "Favorite Things" list for the last seven years in a row.
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Williams 在美甲行业已经有30多年的经验,所以她知道如何判断一个美甲或足疗的优劣。
温弗瑞并不是 Williams唯一的知名客户。她还倾向为米歇尔·奥巴马、茱莉亚·罗伯茨、Lady Gaga等人修脚。
Winfrey isn't Williams' only famous client. She's also tended to the toes of Michelle Obama, Julia Roberts, and Lady Gaga, among many others.
Since Williams is a seasoned nail expert, Insider asked her how to spot the signs that you're about to have a bad manicure or pedicure.
And, reader, she didn't hold back.
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Williams told Insider that lining the basin protects your feet from cross-contamination. Plus, it's also required by law in most states.
So if you see an unlined foot basin, maybe it's best to go to a different place.
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Williams said it's a bad sign if the technician takes their nail tools — like the nippers and clippers — from a jar of sanitizing solution.
"It should come from a packet — a sanitized packet," she added.
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"If they go to use a nail file on your toenails and they've used that on someone prior to you, you're about to have a bad pedicure," Williams said.
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Williams 说,如果水疗中心或沙龙的人把毛巾掉在地上仍在用,这是一个绝对危险的信号。
If someone at the spa or salon drops a towel on the floor and still uses it anyway, Williams said that's a major red flag.
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Williams 说:“应该用橙色木棍或一次性清洁刷来清洁。不能用反复使用过的。”
"It should be done with an orange wood stick or a disposable cleaning brush," Williams said. "Not a reusable one."
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If the polish is running, that's another sign you're not going to have the best mani or pedi.
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"Polish without a base coat, that's number one!" she said. "I've seen places where I'm like, wait a minute, they didn't put a base coat? You have to have a base coat!"
"Regular polish or gel polish, if they go to polish your toenails with no base coat, that's it," she added. "And they're doing it so you come back and spend more money."
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“你必须涂上封层,” Williams 说,“但有时底油和封层可能是一样的,这没关系。”
"You've got to have a top coat," Williams said. "But sometimes the base and top coat might be the same, and that's OK."

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